Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Noah died in 2021bc on Dec 25, the morning that Venus rose

180 days after inferior solar conjunction. He died in the Egyptian year 349
which becomes 350 in 2020bc on July 14, thus he was not actually 950 yet.
However, the 360-day calendar has a new year of 954 on Sep 9 of 2021bc
because the calendar gains 5 years since the astral impact of the Flood
(that impact was 2370bc Nov 20 Greg.Oct 31 which started Noah packing
for 7 days. Being year 954 when he died, they give him the 950 years.
The Pharaoh was created year 350 (July 14), and then Narmer (Nimrod)
unified the kings of the 42 cities (nomes) for the new year 955 (2020bc Sep 4).
It is not 955 years from an Egyptian Flood (3090-3089bc) to the 11th dynasty
(2134bc). The 11th dynasty began in 1986bc with the Capricorn Saturnalia
(29.5 year Saturn) and ruled 43 years until Abram came at 75.
     As for Christmas yule log. The Greeks give Noah the date Dec 25 as his Christmas star
because their Noah's Flood is placed in 2958bc when the date Kayak 25 is Dec 25.
They get this from merging two different Christmas, the concept that Noah was the first Christ
to heaven because the seance speaking to Xisuthros (Christis) for 40 days (2021bc Dec 25 to Feb 2)
and the concept that Peleg Mesanipada (death 2030bc May 6) went to heaven
so upon creating the Egyptian calendar on 2030bc July 17 (Persian Pamenot 1)
the date in leap year 2029bc is Kayak 25 was on the Leo Saturnalia of May 5.
Reu Aanipada (the world's first human king) would not commit suicide to be with his father Peleg Mesanipada in heaven, yet Haran Alumdug received word in his city Harran to come back to Ur
to his grandfather Nahor Meskalumdug and they would go.
     The tomb consists of the two of them, and 63 wives and 4 guards all poisoned.
These 69 proves they were joining Peleg as a chosen 70.
Lot's mother (pregnant or nursing) stayed home in Harran 500 miles away.
This occurred 2 years before Haran's brother Abram was born.
That Kayak 25 was made Christmas in Egypt after one year of founding the
city of Memphis with the 365-day calendar by Hyksos who had come from
Ur and from Hittite Ararat having been led to Canaan form Ararat by Shem Melchizedek
who set up Salem at Mount Moriah.
     Noah did not die until 8 years later. The visit of Gilgamesh is dated to Noah being 930
like Adam in 2040bc because it specifically lists Damuzi (Mars or Tamuz) making its
retrograde U-turn in Scorpio when Venus rises from her 8-day death. This does not occur
again until the days of king Amizaduga (1646-1625bc) when the poem is rewritten
with a dead Noah that Gilgamesh cannot actually visit.
     As for Nimrod's Christmas, the memorial of Noah's death (Dec 25) is Persian Mesor 14 in 2021bc
and by 1770bc it leaps 62 days to (Egyptian date ) Paopi 16. This Dec 25 memorial
becomes Kayak 25 in 1498bc, but the calendar was flipped 180 days at exodus
so that Payni becomes the 10th month and thus the Dec 25 in 788bc when Greeks
create Dec 25.
     But the seasonal 251-year Venus known as Shem-Ramis (Shem-honored as 502 years
2370-1868bc, not Nimrod's death at 500 as 2270-1770bc) is Dec 23 not Dec 25 because it has the same Gregorian date Dec 8 as Noah's death. Thus Nimrod's Shem-Ramis Venus is 2 days before Noah's Christmas death memorial.
Further, this matching Venus between Nimrod's death and Noah's death is after
Nimrod died because as Noah died at 949 before Egyptian new year 350 (July 14), so too
Nimrod died at 499 before the Egyptian new year 600 (May 13, remember 62 leap days).
Of which Tamuz is July 10 the same day as The Phoenix (Venus firebird), and is not to be confused
with the Shem dove-bird, nor is Venus 500 years, but 502. So because Nimrod died before May 13
then his Christmas Venus of 1770bc is after his death by at least 10 months.
It is after the Tamuz by 5 months. And after Hamurabi's new Thoth Marduk (Nov 9, which started the 3744-year armageddon countdown in this year 2256am) by a month.
     So why do all the little whore churches, the daughters of the bigger whores accept all these lies
about the original Chroistmas just so they can slam their mother whore
when in fact they beleive in the same trinity god or the immortal soul for everyone to get to heaven?
Quit calling unclean the things God has cleansed (with truth).
There are exact dates to prove every version of Christmas and it is not Nimrod,
though he is thrown into every affiliation of it due to the idea of going to heaven.
If you wish to see my credentials then go Amazon.com
to the books, paperback
and note the corrections i made in 1984 and posted for that book.
Judgment begins when making money rises above truth.
Judgement has arrived.
Yours in correcting all matters,

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

China founded in 1437bc according to Bible

The Chinese calendar is not 1200 years old in 1437bc because it was not inaugurated in 2637bc. Instead it is only 600 years old. But even this is not from 2037-1437bc. Instead they erred insisting that the awaited 600-year Venus (2029-1429bc) was only 529-year Venus (2029-1437bc) spanning 600 years of Noah's 360-day calendar. These rising Venus of 2029bc is July 19 on date 9-27-945 (Egyptian 1-04-341 called Pamenot 4). BUT because 592 years is short 8 years of 365 days, the 8 years of 360-day calendar will put the date 9-27 at a setting Venus of Dec 4 in 1438bc so that the dates of 11-27 must be used instead. From 2029bc Sep 17 as 11-27-945 to 1437bc Feb 2 as 11-27-1545 claiming these were the 600 years until China of 237bc said iti was 1200 years from 2637-1437bc.
China accepts the belief that it was 1440 years (1461x 360 days) from Flood 2953-1513bc as global disasters not strictly effecting only Israel versus Egyptian issues. And the 1440 years of 365 days are 1460 years of 360 days to those plagues in 1514bc. Thus Chinese at this time were part of the spredding world which had not left the shores of the Hindus River (Indus) which indicates they arrived at this year 1437bc to Xian (The crossing aka The Christian) becoming established probably by 1370bc as 1000 years since the true Flood asteroid (2370bc).

Japan descends from China descends from Noah

The Japanese dates 3060bc Feb 2 and 660bc Feb 2 both come from Noah dying on Greek 10th month December 24 Christmas eve in the belief he was raptured to heaven because a spirit appeared to Babel priests for 40 days until the Egyptian date Thoth 24 (on Feb 2 in 2020bc) which in 388bc became Zoroastrian Christmas eve as the 10th month. Part of the Japanese reconstruction in 660bc to find Noah's Flood as 3060bc is by matching Feb 2 to Noah's date 3-27 which ended the 40-day rain.
However, their insisting 3-27 is Feb 2 is wrong. Though Japan is using 3-27 (as the true 3-27-600 on 2369bc Jan 6) thus disagreeing with China's 2952bc Jan 6 being 9-27 debating 2953bc July 10 on 3-27, their Japanese use of Feb 2 is wrong for the Flood's 40 days being stolen from Noah's rapture by himself at death instead of the rapture of all 8 people upward in the ark.
(Additional confusion occurs due to Ur's mass suicide to go to heaven on Koyak 24 which is May 5 in 2029bc. The solstice 4 months earlier was Mesor 24 on Jan 6. But the word Kayak /Kyak means oen-man boat. It's reference in 2029bc is to Peleg who die alone by himself on May 6 so that 365 days later Nahor Alumdug and Haran Meskalumdug committed suicide with their many wives via poison.) Noah died 8.5 years later in 2021bc.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Rapture is 40 days

This is how we know there is a 40-day rapture. And it is also how we know the asteroid will hit after 40 days not before it.

Asteroid ends 40 days, doesnt start 47 days

The asteroid of Noah's Flood hit the first of 47 days in which Noah packed 7 days, and the water vapor canopy of 40 feet took 40 days to collapse. Mount Ararat if it existed during these 47 days actually took 150 days to sink 2 miles, and the ark grounded on its peak (sliding down then in 74 days). However, to those on the ark, they presumed the ark had raptured upward for 40 days by the rising water. The asteroid of Armageddon strikes after 47 days, in which Christ the Lamb gathers and then allows trial and death in a single raptured day to complete her number 144,000 giving the whole body the ability to appear in flesh 40 days like Jesus to the disciples she saves by her inspiration to NEVER give up under threat nor intimidation to save people. Flee to the mountains she says, preach to everyone there is where to go. It is a 40-day rapture of flesh marching up the mountain like Israel escaping Egypt.

Monday, August 24, 2009

The grounding of Noah's Ark for 74 days

Asteroid impact is soon to hit this Earth this year. What you should do to survive depends on your beleif of what it will do to Earth. Click on these pictures to make them full size.

The Earth cooled with a shallow ocean on it that grew deeper as water was created. During this process, asteroid deep impacts (numerous at first) sunk ocean crust down while pushing up land plates. Layers were created by these land plates rising above the water and then falling back down. The layers created would one day raise land above sea level. But as they get thicker and heavier they sink again and the bottom of the crust melts unless enough buoyant material (and many fractures) make them lighter than the weight of deep compressed ocean water. Thus by the time sunlight reached this ocean to start life, land still had not stayed above water each time it rose up from impacts. Yet there are 8-13 tilted layers below the Day One horizontal layers of the Grand Canyon (C-14 as 50,000 years / low potassium-high argon as 550 million years). These were single year events where all continents would rise up in 8 months and plunge back down in 5 months. Eventually, after Two Days (7000 +7000 =14,000 years) the land stayed above sea level on Day 3. But asteroid impact continued to strike, which then reversed the balance plunging them for 5 months to rise slowly in 8 months. The Grand Canyon shows 9-16 horizontal layers since Day One and Day Two of beng a single shallow growing ocean. Only once has an event like this happened during human existance and one man was an Einstein to predict it when angels felt their knowing that God was a person and not just The Great Force meant God would never do this again in 2370 BC (C-14 dated as 20,000 years /2320 BC as 10,000 /2237 BC as 7000 /2170 BC as 3000 /and 2030 BC as as Peleg's death the same year as Unas Sakkara. God promises restoration not of a water canopy, buut of longevity and paradise in a fast rapid 1000 years. To do so, he will strike Earth again and create that greenhouse canopy from the oceans. All mountains are 1 to 4 miles higher than they were before 2370 BC. This means the fall of the continents will not reach the peaks of mountains over 1.5 km /1.5 miles (8000 feet). Like the city Zoar, only 13 Appalachian moutains for America will be blessed should the water cease at 6000 feet.


The ark grounded when water was 22.5 feet over the peak of Mount Ararat being that buoyancy of the ark and remained at 22.5 feet of its 45 foot height for the whole 150 days from the day it first lifted until its bottom struck the peak. At this point the waves pushed the ark down to the plateau in 74 days on which date Little Ararat emerged above sea level.

So far I am not aware of whether the ark (seen from Armenia in rare snow melts) is in a location ever seen from here in the lower southwest corner.

Mount Ararat sinks 2 miles into the ocean